Energy’s Open Workout
Ages: 7 - 15 Years Old
Open Workout packages available at a discounted rate.
*Open Workouts run when there are 2+ students enrolled. Please await confirmation via email after you have registered.
Our Open Workout Programs (Open Workout, Open Tumbling, & Single Skill Boot Camp) offer students an opportunity to increase their training hours, work on skills that they are developing in class, and improve their overall performance in gymnastics.
Each Open Workout session is coached by one of our Master Staff members, who provides guidance, spotting, and motivation for all of the students attending each Open Workout. Participants are expected to be motivated and focused on training and while Open Workouts can be social, it is not free play time.
We use this opportunity to nurture participants growth physically, mentally, and emotionally, and give them a sense of accomplishment they attribute to their own hard work while emphasizing safety, independence, and skill building.
Frequently Asked Questions
Open Workout
Open Workouts offer an opportunity for students to come in with goal(s) to achieve and work towards achieving said goal. These goals can be on 1 or more events (Floor, Tramp, Bars, Vault, Beam)
We then follow a weekly program that is based on Energy’s syllabus, featuring stations for each event. Students’ progress is tracked with skill cards, an easy-to-read breakdown of individual skills that are the building blocks for proper technique, strength-building, flexibility, and skill mastery.
Before moving on to more challenging skills, students must demonstrate their proficiency within the designed sequence. As a result, students will be continuously challenged, develop more advanced gymnastics skills safely, and master skills independently.
Open Tumbling
Open Tumbling similarly to Open Workouts. The only difference is Open Tumbling is restricted to Floor & Trampoline.
Single Skill Boot Camp
Single Skill Boot Camps pushes students to focus on one skill. We spend our time working towards a particular skill, focusing on the fine details, pushing students to gain a full understanding of the skill, and ultimately mastering it fully.
Students can take what they’ve learned into their classes and applying it to continue to reach toward mastery.
Yes, absolutely! These Open Workouts are perfect for gymnasts, cheerleaders, dancers, martial artists, and more.
You may also want to consider a Tumbling Class!
Energy promotes nurture and empowerment as key in supporting children in becoming the best they can be physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.
We use gymnastics as a medium for physical fitness and strive to create an environment where participants are shown respect and feel safe, are challenged, and develop ownership of physical skills.
Open Workouts are structured, but not rigid. so that children can channel their energy in an optimal environment. Students, however, must be motivated and focused.
This approach is empowering and allows children to explore beyond their comfort level, resulting in an outstanding, confident, and self-assured young person.
Energy Fitness & Gymnastics classes are based on a 15-level syllabus and over 2000 developmental skill progressions, which instructors use to develop their class structure, evaluate children, and create a fun, safe, and challenging physical environment.
Each level challenges students progressively, introducing more difficult skills as the child advances through each level.
By breaking down the development of gymnastic skills into these levels, we have created one of the most comprehensive, challenging, and fun program designs in the country.
Ready for Gymnastics
Leotard or Comfortable Tight Fitting Clothing
Barefoot (no socks)
Cheerleaders may wear specified cheer gym shoes
No jewelry
It is essential that gymnasts’ with long hair pull their hair back. They can wear their hair in a ponytail, bun, braid, or any hairstyle where it isn’t going to get in the way.
When long hair is worn down it can get in the gymnasts’ face or caught by the gymnasts’ hands or feet when performing skills.
The majority of gymnasts both practice and compete with bare feet. Socks can create a safety hazard as they are often slippery on the apparatus. It can also prevent the gymnast from using their toes to push, climb, and learn how to grip apparatuses with their toes when performing skills.
While we do not recommend this, sometimes families opt to wear non-slip socks. Because non-slip socks aren’t all made the same, it still can create a safety hazard as socks are prone to move around due to a number of factors: fit size, amount of grip surface, socks elasticity, etc.
Gymnasts’ can choose to wear Leotards, Comfortable Tight Fitting Clothes such as T-Shirt, Tanks, Shorts, Leggings, etc.
Most gymnasts choose to wear a leotard to work out in as it allows the gymnast to move easily. However, this is not required.
Many gymnasts feel more comfortable practicing with shorts over their leotard. It is recommended that gymnasts wear tight fitting shorts in order to prevent from being caught on equipment.
Loose Fitting Clothing
Loose fitting clothing can present a safety hazard as it can get caught by the gymnasts’ hands, feet, or an apparatus when performing different exercises/skills.
Often gymnasts want to wear jewelry at practice. However, watches, bracelets, necklaces, rings, and earrings (other than studs) all present a safety hazard as they could get caught on the equipment.